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Clean Energy Activity Surging in Developing World


All of the research is easily accessed at www.global-climatescope.org, which includes an interactive tool for users to pinpoint specific information, from the most granular country details to specific sector analysis. The website also allows for complete downloads of the Climatescope data in Excel format.

“Climatescope is a critical resource for the Power Africa initiative and our partners, providing an in-depth and objective evaluation of low carbon energy opportunities in emerging markets, including Africa,” said U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator Dr. Rajiv Shah. “With over $20 billion in project financing commitments from our private sector partners, Power Africa aims to add 30,000 megawatts of cleaner, more efficient electricity generation capacity throughout sub-Saharan Africa.”

“Climatescope’s evaluation of the rapid growth of supply and demand for clean energy in Africa reinforces an important reality; Power Africa’s goal to expand energy access across the continent can and should be met in large part through clean energy development, whether at the utility scale or beyond the grid.”


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Source: BNEF.