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Measuring CO2 to Fight Global Warming

Several satellites around the world now make limited CO2 measurements. But the researchers write that “no presently planned satellite has the necessary orbit or targeting capability” for the desired urban CO2 measurements.

Several previous studies looked at CO2 levels in various cities, but none at the full urban scale or with accuracy near what is required for treaty verification, the researchers say. The only study that accurately measured an urban area’s CO2 emissions over time – in Heidelberg, Germany – did so with a method too expensive for routine use.

Ehleringer’s part of the research was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. The study says his coauthors were funded by NASA, the National Science Foundation and – without specifics – “by the U.S. intelligence community”, which would be involved in treaty verification.

Details of the Study:

Title of the Study: “Assessment of Ground-Based Atmospheric Observations for Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from an Urban Region”
Authors: Kathryn McKain, Steven C. Wofsy, Thomas Nehrkorn, Janusz Eluszkiewicz, James R. Ehleringer and Britton B. Stephens
Published online in ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences’ on May 18, 2012; doi: 10.1073/pnas.1116645109
Check the following link to read/download the Full Study:

Source: University of Utah.