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    Josh Schellenberg

    Prof Josh Schellenberg

    Josh Schellenberg holds an M.A. in Economics from the University of San Francisco and a B.A. in Economics from the University of Connecticut. He is currently working as a Senior Analyst at Freeman, Sullivan & Co. in San Francisco.

    He has been instrumental in developing impact evaluations for demand response programs at multiple utilities. In 2009, he evaluated California’s Base Interruptible Program, which is one of the largest demand response resources in the United States with nearly 1 GW of load reduction capacity and participation from three large IOUs. He also played a key role in the econometric modeling for the ex-post evaluation of Pacific Gas & Electric’s SmartRate Program, which was one of the largest deployments of CPP in the country. Concurrently, Mr. Schellenberg has worked on each of the annual evaluations of Southern California Edison’s demand response portfolio since 2008.

    Other than demand response evaluations, Mr. Schellenberg has conducted substantial market research. For Pacific Gas & Electric, he helped design its PHEV and On Bill Financing incentive programs. He is adept at using customer attitudes expressed in focus groups to design and field a survey, analyzing survey data using econometric modeling, and tying results from the analysis to into market potential projections.