In its newly released 10th Sustainability Report, RadiciGroup reports on its activities and achievements in the field of corporate social responsibility for the year 2012.
- The report has obtained external assurance at the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) B+ Application Level.
- 2012 Report shows wider reporting boundary, greater focus on Environmental Performance Indicators (EN) and spotlight on gender equality in relation to the Labour Practices and Decent Work Performance Indicators (LA).
Bergamo, Italy – RadiciGroup has released its 2012 Sustainability Report, which this year has reached its 10th edition. The report presents a cross-section of the projects and the results achieved by the Group in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility, following the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the leading reference for non-financial reporting. The importance of this document is a reflection of the strategic choices made on issues concerning corporate development and value creation.
The Sustainability Report was prepared on a totally voluntary basis, in compliance with the GRI framework, and obtained external assurance at the GRI B+ Application Level for the second year in a row. Similar to the annual Consolidated Financial Statements, which receive an independent auditor’s opinion, the Sustainability Report is submitted for external assurance to an accredited external certification body, which certifies the reliability of the data gathered and the level of reporting criteria.
“The Sustainability Report is our main information tool for matters concerning the environment, corporate social responsibility and corporate ethics,” said Angelo Radici, President of RadiciGroup. “It is a fundamental means of communicating the results achieved in managing our Group’s relations with its stakeholders in a transparent way. I believe what is really important is active sustainability made up of tangible action, innovation and continuous improvement. This is the path that we have chosen to travel, because sustainability, in all its facets, is not only good but also good for business. It constitutes a value added that characterizes and differentiates us in the market. It represents something extra that we are able to and want to offer our customers.”
Characteristics of the RadiciGroup Sustainability Report
Using the GRI performance indicators – Economic (EC), Human Rights (HR), Labour Practices and Decent Work (LA), Society (SO), Environment (EN), and Product Responsibility (PR) – the Sustainability Report illustrates the three-year (2010-2012) trend in RadiciGroup’s economic, environmental and social performance.
The REPORTING BOUNDARY encompasses almost all the companies that are included in the scope of consolidation of the parent company Radici Partecipazioni SpA. These companies make up 97% of Radici Partecipazioni sales revenues. Radici Partecipazioni SpA is the holding company that groups together the RadiciGroup synthetic fibres, chemicals and plastics businesses and is controlled, directly and indirectly, by the Group holding company Radicifin SpA (from 2013, Radicifin SAPA).
A Few of the Most Significant Figures
- 134 million euros: The investments made during the 2008-2012 period on research and development, maintenance of plants and technologies, improvement of production efficiency, product quality and services, and ensuring the occupational health and safety of employees.
- 47% reduction in emissions to air during the 2010-2012 period.
- 91% water savings (recycling) in 2012 (+6% and +15% compared to 2010 and 2011, respectively).
- 41% of energy from renewable sources (hydroelectric energy).
- 90% of Group products with Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs).
Focus on Gender Equality
A trait common to all RadiciGroup companies is a strong trend towards formal and substantive gender equality, i.e., equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities for men and women. Since adopting the GRI framework, the Group has gathered data and kept track of the number of men and women working for the various Group companies around the world and of their positions on the corporate ladder. As a mark of the special attention the Group has paid to gender-related aspects, in the Report breakdowns by gender are given for all the Human Rights performance indicators.