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Climate Efforts Undermined by EU’s Coal Addiction


Mona Bricke, European Coordinator at Climate Alliance Germany, said, “The next phase in Germany’s Energiewende must focus on how to transition away from coal. If Germany and the EU are serious about meeting their climate targets and transform their power sector, a German coal phase out is key. There is no way around that simple truth. The fact that 9 out of the 30 most CO2 emitting power plants are located in Germany, most of which burn lignite, is a case in point.”


Check the following link read/download the Full Report – “Europe’s Dirty 30: How the EU’s Coal-fired Power Plants are Undermining its Climate Efforts”:

Check the Map of the EU’s top CO2-polluting thermal power plants here:

Check the Infographics: Europe’s Dirty 30: How the EU’s coal-fired power plants are undermining its climate efforts:


Source: WWF.



[1] Germany and the UK, which are the self-declared climate champions of the EU, have nine coal-fired power plants each in the list of the top 30 CO2-polluting thermal power plants in the EU. Germany uses more coal to generate electricity than any other EU country, while the UK comes third in absolute coal consumption for power after Poland.

Check the Map of the UK’s top CO2-polluting thermal power plants here:

Check the Map of Germany’s top CO2-polluting thermal power plants here:

[2] According to climate scenarios by the IEA, the share of coal in electricity generation in the EU must be below 4% by 2035, and will require a stark decrease compared to the 26% share of electricity generation from coal in 2011.

[3] HEAL: What does coal cost health in the United Kingdom?