What are the subject areas for article submission?
ThinktoSustain.com is a sustainability focused website. Our readers are primarily interested in sustainability news, analysis, opinions and reports. We welcome professionals, researchers and students to write about their experiences and share their knowledge through the website. Your article must be related to any one or more of the following areas
- Sustainability reporting
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Climate research, mitigation and adaptation strategies
- Global warming/climate change phenomena
- Innovations in renewable energy
- Climate policy analysis
- Environment conservation
- Forestry issues and challenges
- Corporate sustainability strategy
- Green innovations
- Market research
What type of articles can you submit?
Your writings must be your personal experiences or knowledge gleaned through empirical research or study. Since, our readership extends over a broad spectrum that also includes readers who are not technically well-informed, we prefer articles that are written in simpleĀ English (less of technical vocabulary) and easy to understand and recall. This helps in communicating the essence of the article in an effective manner.
The tone of your article can be in the form of a critique, an analysis, an explanation, a reporting of findings or an opinion
What are other areas in which I can contribute?
Besides the above mentioned areas, we also cater to job-seekers, recruiters and green-career enthusiasts through our greenjobs and greenzone portals, so articles related to green careers are also accepted.
What are the Editor’s requirements before submission?
- Each submitted article should be in English, neatly-typed, double-spaced with 10 points Arial/Verdana font, justified, download-able. The headings/sub-headings should be clearly underlined or in bold.
- The article should be accompanied with author’s profile along with good quality photograph in .jpg or .gif or .png format.
- Wherever abbreviations are to be used, they must be given in full expanded form in the first usage/instance, along with the abbreviated version in brackets. Thereafter, only the abbreviated version can be used throughout the article.
- The article must have a summary of 70-90 words summing the key highlights of the article.
- The article should be of 700-900 words (including title and summary)
- Tables/ Diagrams/ Images submitted along with should be clearly captioned, but would be limited to only 2.
- Copyright Issues: All articles/ research-papers/ case-studies sent to ThinktoSustain must be author’s original literary effort, and they should be sent along with a Formal Statement (as PDF attachment) confirming that the work submitted by the author is indeed his/her original work (and if adapted, then done so with due credits to the concerned author/website, where applicable). This means all responsibility of authorship of the content lies with the contributor.
What action can be taken for violation of copyrights?
We honour intellectual property rights. The Editorial Board reserves the right to take appropriate action, as deemed fit, against any reported act of plagiarism, including but not limited to, removal of the published article from website and barring the author from further submissions.
What type of articles are likely to be rejected?
Promotional articles that are intended to market a product or service would be most likely rejected.
What are the other avenues for promoting products or services?
For promoting your organization, services or products, you can avail of ThinktoSustain’s Promotion Services that include a wide range of advertising options. Visit Advertise to know more or you can also drop a mail to advertise@thinktosustain.com mentioning your requirements.
How are the articles selected?
All content received by ThinktoSustain is reviewed by our Editorial Board. We assess the article’s suitability for publication on the website. Once we receive the article, our team responds within 5-7 days mentioning its decision. The editorial team may ask for more details about the content, or the author.
The decision to select or refuse any content for publishing on the website lies solely with the Editorial Board.
Who owns the copyright to the content?
The Copyright of contributed material will remain with concerned author. However, the author, while publishing the same article elsewhere, agrees to mention that the said article has first been featured at ThinktoSustain.com on (date), and provide the appropriate URL.
The author grants us a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide license to republish any material he/she submits to us in any format, including, without limitation, print and electronic format.
The content would be showcased on the website along with author’s credentials and brief profile. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make additions or deletions to the text or graphics prior to publication, if required, or to refuse publication, without providing reasons for the same.
Content once published on the website cannot be withdrawn on request by author(s) at some later date.
What are the disclaimers?
ThinktoSustain is a public domain and is accessed by people across the world. ThinktoSustain takes no responsibility for any content being copied or adapted or quoted by its viewers.
What is the advantage to authors?
ThinktoSustain provides a platform for development practitioners, environment enthusiasts and experts to showcase their ideas and opinions so as to reach a larger audience, network across diverse geographies, and gain insights from others.
Whom should you communicate?
For any queries that are not answered in the above FAQ, you can drop a mail to our editorial team at editor@thinktosustain.com.
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